
Buy cool bags to help people
in need and win something.


What we do with the money

The proceeds from your purchase helps us with three campaigns.



Build homes for families in need.


We are affiliated with GiveBack Homes and Habitat for Humanity. Not only do we donate, but we also roll-up our sleeves and get out there to actually build a home. Sales proceeds go towards our donation goal.



Houston Food Bank.


We door-knock for a good cause, not just for business. Right around Thanksgiving, we drop grocery bags in the neighborhoods we serve, and then we collect them a few days later and take them to the Houston Food Bank. Sales proceeds help us buy the bags. We did 3,000 pounds last year. Help us break our record!



The Intero Foundation.


For over 15 years, The Intero Foundation, via donations from its agents and employees from 80+ offices nationwide, donates money to non-profits focused on serving children & elderly in the communities we serve. Sales proceeds go toward the Intero Foundation.
